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“My belief is that somewhere inside of you is the answer to every question that can be asked about you.  My concern is that we make a connection with that part of you that knows the answers, and that those answers can be shared with us and used for the good of the total you.”         - Dr John E. Upledger DO, OMM

CranioSacral Therapy

Dr. John E. Upledger, an osteopathic physician, developed the healing modality CranioSacral Therapy (CST).  CST involves listening to the body’s inner wisdom – “that part of you that knows the answers” and then using those answers “for the good of the total you.”  The beauty of this system is that it is all performed by gentle touch, allowing the body to heal itself – no force, no coercion.   


We have all observed that our cardiovascular system and respiratory system have a rhythm – the beat of our heart, the rate of our respiration. Dr. Upledger discovered that our nervous system has a rhythm as well.  By listening to this rhythm, in essence, we are listening to the body’s inner wisdom.  


The central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) is enveloped by fluid and membranes that protect and nourish it.  When there are imbalances in the body, these surrounding tissues become restricted, altering the nervous system’s healthy rhythm.  The CST practitioner, with gentle touch, can “listen” to this rhythm and can locate any disturbances.  The same gentle touch techniques are then used to correct the imbalances in the tissues affecting the craniosacral system, thus returning the environment around the brain and spinal cord to a healthier state.  As a result, we see improved functioning of the central nervous system, as well as other organ systems in the body.


CST is effective modality for helping many different conditions, including:


  • General relaxation & balancing 

  • Migraine and tension-type headaches 

  • Temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) pain and other facial pain issues 

  • Neck, shoulder or lower back pain 

  • Concussions and Traumatic Brain Injuries

  • Psychological and/or emotional injuries 

  • Generalized challenges such as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome 

  • Improvement of concentration and memory 

  • Reduction of anxious behavior and stress related concerns

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